Our Works

Our Works

The Salesian charism is expressed in Haiti through a diversity of works including youth centers, centers of learning and professional development, primary and secondary schools, and homes for disadvantaged children. These programs and centers directly serve over 22,000 youth and community members each year. Click below to learn more about our works:

Present in 5 Regions of Haiti

The Salesians arrived in Haiti in 1936 at the request of President Sténio Vincent. After over 80 years of work in the country, they currently serve in 5 regions of the country, with a strong presence in Port-au-Prince, especially in the neighborhoods of La Saline and Cité Soleil.

Nos œuvres

Stewarded by 11 Salesian Communities

These works are administered by communities of priests and brothers of the Salesians of Don Bosco, a Catholic religious order founded in 1859. The Salesian charism is to be a “sign and bearer of the love of God for young people, especially those who are poor.”

Nuestras obras


Nuestras obras

Fleuriot (Port-au-Prince) – Provincial House

Nuestras obras


Nuestras obras


Nuestras obras


Nuestras obras

Fleuriot (Port-au-Prince) – Post-Noviciate

Nuestras obras


Nuestras obras

Thorland (Carrefour)

Nuestras obras

Drouillard (Port-au-Prince)

Nuestras obras


Nuestras obras

La Saline (Port-au-Prince)